2025 Competition Entry:

What Dylan Says by Trudi Brunskill






Trudi Brunskill. On my ownsome


Joan Baez and Bob Dylan were seminal influences at the very start of my musical life: Joan’s. sublime voice and soul, and Dylan’s lyrics. My song springs from his comment “you can’t be wise and in love at the same time”, where I reflect on my folly in love and my mother’s loss of her wisdom to the wretchedness of Alzheimer’s,and the lurking fear of my own sometimes ragged state of mind.


Played and sang from 10. Made some cash and some small waves in my 20s. Big centre of life break. Returned to a musical life at 60 and started to write my own material. Now I’m addicted and 500+ songs down the line, still immersed and learning.


What Dylan Says…13/14 Jan 24

Am I losing my mind?..she did..she did
Sometimes I feel I’m..comin loose.. at the edges
Might be the longing…and the looking back
That’s doin my head in
As you might have expected

D’you have anything to say about that?
I’m listening..
You can’t be wise and in love at the same time
Says Bob Dylan

Am I still in love…with you…with you
Am I still waiting …in your…waiting room
Hanging on your washing line…losing a little more of my mind
Missing trains and wasting my time
Wasting time

And if I could only find it..
This is where I’d play my tambourine
Might be the longing..and the looking back
That’s doin my head in

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