2025 Competition Entry:

Town Lake Blues by Adam Thomas







I recorded all parts (guitar & vocals) in this recording.


The song is essentially about wanting to be in two places at the same time, which is increasingly the way that I feel as I get older.



Well, I’ve been dreaming of the rainfall
On branches twisting to the sky
I’ve been haunted by the memories
Of all the ghosts I left behind

So I caught a train to Corsicana
Headed southbound to 35
Flew by all them blown-out towns
Didn’t stop ‘til I’d arrived

This is the city of the morning
Free of worry, free of blame
But all the way from Louisiana
I hear her calling out my name

Along the Lower Colorado
There’s a pool hall where I’m bound
Think I’ll step down to the river
Set my boots on solid ground

Up on Guadalupe, they’re singing
“Just lead them safely to the light”
That pedal steel, it cuts right through me every time
Their voices echo through the night

This is the city of the springtime
Free of heartache, free of pain
And all the way from Louisiana
I hear her calling me by name

That setting moon is quite a sight
She’d surely love to see the show
The streets are empty as the dawn comes sneaking in
I have nowhere left to go

This is the city of the morning
Bathed in fiery, golden light
But there’s not a soul around who’s seen her smiling eyes
No sunrise ever shined so bright

I’m dreaming of the rainfall
On a patch of green she likes to roam
The blooms are giving way to summer
I hear her calling me back home

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