2025 Competition Entry:

They’ll Still Play Country Music (When They Live On Mars) by Steve Markwick







Steve Markwick


up tempo cheeky country song



They’ll Still Play Country Music (When They Live On Mars)

These days things move so fast
Every day you hear about something new
Well I ain’t no scientist
All I know for sure is this
Folks’ll still need songs to help them through

And they’ll still play country music when they live on Mars
With laser drums and solar mics and asteroid guitars
But as long as people fall in love and drink in bars
They’ll still play country music on Mars

Well one day when kids live in space
They’ll play hide and seek among the stars
Growing up on a lonely moon
Dancing to a different tune
But it’s still country music at heart

And they’ll still play country music when they live on Mars
With laser drums and solar mics and asteroid guitars
But as long as people fall in love and drink in bars
They’ll still play country music on Mars

Well it may look different in space walking suits
But underneath it all they’re wearing cowboy boots
It’s still gotta rock, it’s still gotta roll
It’s still got country music in their soul


And they’ll still play country music when they live on Mars
With laser drums and solar mics and asteroid guitars
But as long as people fall in love and drink in bars
They’ll still play country music
Still play country music
They’ll still play country music
When they live on Mars

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