2025 Competition Entry:

These Are the Stars: A Tribute to …Heroes by Robyn Buttars







Vocals-Spencer Turnbow.
Keyboards and arranger/producer – Daniel Blomberg
Drums Dave Zimmerman
Guitar-Jake Workman
Video-Ben Fales: https://bit.ly/TheseAreTheStarsVideo


After a lifetime of writing and publishing five award-winning books, Robyn has returned to her songwriting roots. Her single, “These Are the Stars: A Tribute to America’s Heroes,” released November 1, 2024 honors the men and women who have served and who now serve to protect liberty and justice. Robyn’s inspiration for this song came from military family connections including her grandfather who served in WWI, where he received word that his first child, Robyn’s father, had been born 3 months earlier. Before retiring as a Colonel in the United States Army Reserve, Robyn’s father, served in WWII and Korea. Her Uncle Herbert, a medic in WWII, was captured by enemy soldiers and died while a prisoner of war. Robyn hopes this song will encourage gratitude for America and appreciation for those who have served and are presently serving our country.


Composing has been a part of my life as long as I can remember. Sharing the music is new. My books: Christmas Rose, Christmas Wonders, Country Tied, Heart Tied and Farm Families on the Family Farm are the creative works I have shared. https://robynbuttars.com



Verse 1

In every age, throughout our land
men and women rose to take a stand:
a stand for freedom, a stand for right,
a dream protected with faith and might.

From Valley Forge to Gettysburg,
in Flanders Field their voices were heard.
Bright through it all their hope to live,
but if not so their life to give.


These are the stars our heroes still,
whose rightful place no one should ever fill.
Who so loved freedom that they might die
so those who live may see Old Glory fly.

Verse 2

At Normandy they served to win,
as at Heartbreak Ridge and Ho Chi Minh;
in foreign deserts, on land and sea
they stood for justice and liberty.

They left their youth while in harm’s way.
Sacrificing dreams, they faced their day.
How sure their purpose, their legacy,
protecting freedom for you, for me.


These are the stars our heroes still,
whose rightful place no one should ever fill.
Who so loved freedom that they might die
so those who live may see Old Glory fly.


For yesteryear and for this time
may our nation stand with hearts aligned,
to praise their service, to place their names
beside the heroes enshrined in fame.


These are the stars our heroes still,
whose rightful place no one should ever fill.
Who so loved freedom that they might die
so those who live may see Old Glory fly.
See her fly.
Old Glory fly.

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