2025 Competition Entry:

The Otherside by PT Friedrichs










My mother in law is end stage Alzheimers and my own mom has dementia. And it’s hard losing people a piece at a time. My mom-in-law was an amazing person and a worship leader and was my wife’s best friend and Matron of honor at our wedding. So watching my wife’s grief kind of motivated me to write this.


I wouldn’t know what to put in one.


Stuck somewhere
between heaven and earth
You are here but not
No suffering but no words.

We miss you though we areright beside you
We miss your love and your grace
We miss our names on your lips
And the playful smile on your face.

But when we see you
on the otherside
You will be whole like never before
The you, you were always meant to be
Who we have loved, yet so much more
It is hard to wait with you here
But I know
Jesus is waiting too
On the otherside
where you will always be you.

Every once in a while
you give those bittersweet
glimmers of who you were, no, who you are
When you were not so far

We want you fully here
or fully there
The in between is so hard to bear
But soon you’ll shine bright as fire
When you sing in that heavenly choir.

But when we see you
on the otherside
You will be whole like never before
The you, you were always meant to be
Who we have loved, yet so much more
It is hard to wait with you here
But I know
Jesus is waiting too
On the otherside
where you will always be you.

Someday we will see you in glory
And you will be more you than ever before
Because we know this is not the end of your story
And with all your mind
heart and soul
you will worship the Lord.


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