2025 Competition Entry:

The One Lane Bridges of Hanalei by Jim Pryts







I record all my songs by myself, using multi-tracking for added sound re-enforcement


Allow me to set this little song up for you! The isle of Kauai is the most verdant of all the islands in the Hawaiian chain. From the sleepy town of Kapa’a, you drive to the north end of the island, beneath the wet hulk of 5,000 foot Mount Waiʻaleʻale, and you’re on what’s left of Kuhio Highway (state route 56), between Princeville, through Hanalei (where Puff the Magic Dragon lived), and on to Wainiha Bay and Ke’e Beach. Along that stretch of road, you will encounter a series of seven one lane bridges, each one a lesson in democracy. Just to go those final 5 miles or so either way can take some time, because depending on the traffic you will probably need to stop at each bridge to wait your turn to cross. When you get to a bridge, you have to wait, and make sure there is nobody already crossing before you can proceed. I learned this etiquette the hard way, and got honked at more than once. Along the way you will meet the truly tropical paradise of Kauai closeup. The NeNe, or Hawaiian geese are evident, as well as the more invasive but crazily charming wild chickens that have propagated and prospered in large numbers since Hurricane Iki freed their ancestors from their cages in 1992. There is often a bit of a wait between the bridges too, as on the winding road, county crews need to make fairly regular repairs to weather compromised asphalt. It rains a lot! The One Lane Bridges of Hanalei is a simple song, that I wrote for the gentle tones of the Ukulele. Aloha!


My father taught me to love music. He played the mouth organ, and his musical tastes were all over the charts from Big Band Swing, Hank Williams, Red River Dave, the Inkspots, Louie Armstrong, to the folk music of the late 50’s. When my brother went into the Navy in 1962, he taught me three chords on his Silvertone acoustic guitar, and put it in my care until he came home. I started practicing, and have been playing ever since. I picked up claw hammer banjo in 1973, and two years later won 3rd place at the KSAN FM sponsored 5 string banjo contest at the Boarding House Theater in San Francisco, hosted by John McEuen, of the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band. In 2012, I got a Ukulele for my birthday, and have been enjoying the little Flea since. In the 60’s I was infected with the Rock n Roll bug, and have been in and out of rock bands during my life, but one day in 1964 I heard Paul Simon play, and I learned to finger pick on my Fender Telecaster. Since the mid 70’s I have been playing fingerstyle acoustic guitar almost exclusively, except for the occasional rock gig. In 2022, I won 2nd and 3rd place in the Kauai Mokihana Festival composers contest, performing two of my original songs on the Ukulele. In May, 2024, I was contacted by Bolton FM radio, in Bolton England about allowing them to play some of my original songs on their Folk Show hosted by Ron Armitage. I happily agreed, and have had my songs on the air in that city of about 300k souls ever since. I am a hopeless failure financially, but I am rich beyond measure by my connection with music during my 75 years on this planet. On February 20th I will turn 76.


The One Lane Bridges of Hanalei – Ukulele
© Jim Pryts, 2017

Kuhio Highway in a rain storm, never seen rain like this before
Kapa’a town is real slowed down, on 56, Ha’ena bound

Slow down boy in the drivin rain, it’s your turn, they got to let you go
Slow down boy, just a small delay on the one lane bridges of Hanalei.

Rain so hard, and wind so high, Ne’Ne sleep beneath the sky
Ke’e Beach still miles away, and I need to get to Wainiha Bay

Slow down boy in the drivin rain, aint no hurry, just let them go
Slow down boy, just a small delay on the one lane bridges of Hanalei.

Chicken scratch by the side of the road, hens all go where the rooster crowed
Cars slow down around the bend, everybody stop! the road is flooded again

Slow down boy in the driving rain, aint no hurry just let ‘em go
Slow down boy, just another day on the one lane bridges of Hanalei.

1,2,3,4,5,6,7 – bridges that you got to cross
The rain is comin sideways down, . . . hangin loose in Hanalei town

Slow down boy in the drivin rain, it’s your turn, they got to let you go
Slow down boy, just another day on the one lane bridges of Hanalei

Slow down boy in the drivin rain, it’s your turn they got to let you go – yes!!
Slow down boy, just another day on the one lane bridges of Hanalei

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