2025 Competition Entry:

Still by Kitty Pandemic






I played guitar and sang. Nic Leo (my producer and recording engineer) played keyboard and bass.


A song I wrote right after my cat Hazel died. I remembered how I would see her around the house during the day, and how she helped me be more human.


At age 60 I retired from my engineering career, picked up a guitar, and started learning to play. I also started writing songs – about cats, about aging, about some of life’s amusing and challenging moments, and about hope for a better world. My firts album “Kitty Pandemic Blues” was released in April 2024. Working on the second album right now, hoping it comes out later this year.


written by Kitty Pandemic
After my 20 year old cat Hazel crossed the rainbow bridge
Verse 1
I still leave the door open for you
To rub your spine while I’m in the loo
You liked to be scratched and attack my shoe
I still leave the door open for you
Verse 2
I still pour you a cup of tea
In the morning, you would sit on me
I might feel your purr rumble on my knee
I still pour you a cup of tea
Verse 3
I still grab you an extra plate
Three times you’d circumnavigate
The kitchen island, before you ate
I still grab you an extra plate
Verse 4
I still sleep with my left leg bent
The nook where your furry body spent
The night, we both were completely content
I still sleep with my left leg bent
I don’t get people, or they don’t get me
I struggle with codependency
You always were honest about your boundaries
A gift, I learned to treasure
Maybe because you didn’t use speech
You used your body language to teach
Me how to be more human
Outro Verse
Is there some way I’ll see you again
I’ve no solid beliefs about how and when
So it’s pictures and memories, until then
Hope someday I’ll be with you again

I’ll still leave the door open for you.

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