2025 Competition Entry:

Seeds of Delight by Gillian Wren








I sing and play guitar and recorder. All other instruments are provided by my Music Producer Dave Wall.


The words of this song were inspired by a book I read by Dr David Hamilton that described the psychological and physical benefits of kindness.



Seeds of Delight

Every little precious drop of rain that falls upon this garden

Of mine. It soaks into the soil and frees the goodness lying there;

that feeds the tender seeds, that grow into a root, a flower, shrub or

mighty tree; that spreads it’s growing branches wide, to shelter me.

Every little precious drop of sun; it shines upon my garden, Warming

up the soil; bringing beams of light to sun starved plants and men.

Who feel the warmth transferred across millions of miles of space to reach this

scrap of land. The sun that brings the chance of life, to all on Earth.

Every minute, little precious moments hear are

shared and treasured by strangers and by friends.

Create those moments. You will sow the seeds of hope and

love that blossoms into fields of pure delight.

Every little precious drop of love that’s shown a baby boy

or girl; it feeds the laughter and the smiles that shine out to the world.

The people take the laughter, love and smiles and pass them on to those

who can use the love received to light up their darkest hour.

Every little precious drop of kindness sincerely shown toward a

stranger or a friend; it feeds our hearts, our minds, our bodies too;

that grow in strength which fuels are desire to show love and understanding

every day and so the feeling spreads passing on to others too.

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