2025 Competition Entry:

Reinvent Yourself by David Rose







I am the sole creator of this song.


I have reinvented myself several times over my lifetime.


Read my artist bio here: https://www.echoingsymphony.com/about-echoing-symphony.html


Don’t be afraid to reinvent yourself,
You’re not starting from scratch this time.
You’re restarting with your wisdom’s wealth,
It’s your moment, ready to climb.

With a new makeover, start anew,
Embrace the changes, let them flow.
Life’s canvas paints a brighter hue,
Where future dreams begin to grow.

Restarting with experience, my friend,
No need to dwell on past mistakes.
Each turn’s a chance to truly mend,
And love the journey that it makes.

The old you taught you all you know,
A guiding light through darkest night.
Turn each old scar into a glow,
You have the strength to get it right.

Remember every step you’ve walked,
Each lesson tied with golden strings.
In this new chapter, let hearts be unlocked,
And hear the song your spirit sings.

Restarting with experience, my friend,
No need to dwell on past mistakes.
Each turn’s a chance to truly mend,
And love the journey that it makes.

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