2025 Competition Entry:

Our Triumphant Future by David Rose







This song was created solely by David Rose


I wrote this song based on Biblical writings.


Read my artist bio here: https://www.echoingsymphony.com/about-echoing-symphony.html


our triumphant future is coming soon
Jesus promised after rising the tomb
He said He will come back again
God the Father knows exactly when

awaiting His return is all about faith
He has a plan He won’t be late
a small cloud will grow and grow
then we’ll hear the trumpets blow

Jesus and His Angels come from the east
then our Savior will raise the deceased
glorious reunions up in the sky
rising to Him our arms held high

sights and sounds will be most profound
Jesus returned we’re Heaven bound
gathering His few He keeps His word
most glorious choir this earth has heard

for us a home is waiting there
He told us He would go to prepare
even the streets are made of gold
we live forever and never grow old

I want to travel to far away places
I want to experience the open spaces
an ambassador for our Gods great love
a messenger for our God above

our triumphant future is coming soon
Jesus promised after rising the tomb
He said He will come back again
God the Father knows exactly when

you can experience all of these things
invite Jesus in and all that brings
He’ll forgive your sins to start a new
the love of Jesus will come over you

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