2025 Competition Entry:

New Car Senior Package Option by David Rose







I am the sole creator of this song.


This is very close to a true story. I embellished it some.


You can view my bio here: https://www.echoingsymphony.com/about-echoing-symphony.html


this old hot rodder
bought a new car
ordered the senior package
I’m raising the bar

they knew I’d lose my key
just push a button to start
I don’t know what all the gadgets do
but my car is real smart

all I have to do is speak
it does what I say
Siri give me directions home
Siri call Kay

automatic seat belts
and exit assist too
they think I need help getting out
I wonder how they knew

the lights come on before it’s dark
the wipers when it rains
I don’t even have to think
it tells me to change lanes

Glenn Miller never sounded better
with my eight speaker Bose
set the cruise and rest your foot
push on the gas it goes

don’t even have to reach for the floor
my shifter is on the wheel
I tell myself I’m not that old
that age is how you feel

I don’t need my maps anymore
they’re in a little TV now
can no longer use my 8 tracks either
will get along some how

couldn’t get the windows down
till I found the button in the door
couldn’t get the car in gear
now I know what this dial is for

my cars real smart it thinks for itself
try to steal it you won’t get far
when short term memory fails me again
I’ll just go ask my car

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