2025 Competition Entry:

Moral Injury by David Rose







David Rose is the sole creator of this song.


It took me 50 years to write this song. Writing is part of my post war PTSD therapy.


You can read my artist bio here: https://www.echoingsymphony.com/about-echoing-symphony.html


I was raised a conservative lad
Because of the parents that I had

Made good grades all through school
Never forgot the golden rule

Even though I had the knowledge
Goofed a lot was drafted from college

Didn’t want to go and fight
But chose to do what was right

Signed in as a conscientious objector
Thought it better than being a defector

Served as medic during the war
In a conflict that I abhor

Too much to ask from a teen aged kid
Unbelievable the missions I did

Ironic my brothers died one by one
When the only survivor didn’t carry a gun

50 years later it’s still hard to cope
Often I don’t feel much hope

My doctors call it PTSD
My chaplain calls it moral injury

It doesn’t matter who is wrong or right
Both carry a difficult plight

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  1. War is a terrible experience that is hard to recover from. I was fortunate and never had to face war, but I grew up with stories my parents and grandparents told about their experiences living in London during WWII. Very traumatic. I also have friends who served in combat. I understand your pain and hope writing about it helps.

    1. Hey Gary, Thank you for your comment. You are correct, war will change a person. I am 100% disabled for my war injuries. 70% is for PTSD. I have used writing for decades as a tool to keep me busy and to express myself. It seems to work for me.