2025 Competition Entry:

Lobotomy by Aleph Naught and the Null Set






Its all me – I compose, record, mix and master, I’ve been making music for over 50 years.


The second song from my recently released Head Cleaner album, this one was initiated after seeing a few movies/TV shows involving lobotomies. And its all-synth nature is a return to my roots – I wrote prog rock with a heavy emphasis on organ and synths way back in the late ’70s and early ’80s for bands I formed.


I started in music like a lot of people, I took the recorder class in grade school. At 7, mom wanted me to play an instrument so I picked the accordion – that lasted 3 lessons. Then at 10 mom’s piano left home with my sister, and so dad decided we’d build a Schober Theater Organ from a kit – soldered 10K resisters, 4K capacitors, 2K transistors, 2 65 key keyboards and 25 bass pedals; it took 3 months. That’s the instrument I learned to play first. In college I hung out with a really good guitarist so we decided to form a band. The next year he left school and I joined a jazz trio. It was in college where I got turned onto progressive rock and fell in love. Then I started forming progressive rock bands for a couple years and audited a course in 8 track recording.
Got married and moved 10 hours away, so I got an Atari ST computer and learned to compose using an early DAW, Dr. T’s Tiger, and a Casio CZ-101. I recorded on 4 track cassette and had a song on one of the Internet compilation cassettes.
Today I live in Los Angeles. I use Logic Pro on a Mac to compose progressive rock music. I just released my 8th album, “Head Cleaner,” on all the major services on Jan. 7, 2025. You can find my other interesting bits of my music history on SoundCloud like recordings of bands I was part of in the ’80s and all the cover songs I’ve done (my latest is a prog cover of You Shook Me All Night Long).
My name is Bob Hays, however, my music is done under Aleph Naught and the Null Set, which is a math pun.


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