2025 Competition Entry:

Jim Lauderdale Has Taken My Spot by Craig Elkins







Craig Elkins (me) – guitar, vocals
Erik Hammarberg -bass
Rynne Stump – vocals, guitar,
Erik Kristiensen – pedal steel,
Kaitlin Wolfberg – violin
Matt Fish – cello
Eric McCann – upright
Ryan Brown and David Hidalgo Jr. – drums


The song stems from feelings of jealousy/envy I’d experience when listening the to radio and thinking ‘why them and not me??’


Craig Elkins was the lead singer, songwriter of the band Huffamoose. They released their major label record “We’ve Been Had Again” on Interscope Records in 1997, played the Conan O’Brien show, Woodstock ’94 and the Horde Tour. Craig has had songs placed in a commercial campaign for JC Penny’s, the early 2000s series “Alias” and “Sons of Anarchy.” Originally from Philadelphia, he’s lived in Los Angeles for the past 20 years and is most likely a song away from weath and stardom.


Eminem, Stevie Nicks, Rihanna, The guy from Cracker

Most of my songs in comparison fail
But I’m still pretty heart broken
Cuz I’m at least as good as Jim Lauderdale
He doesn’t even have any tricky chords in his songs
And most of them are not even 4 minutes long

Merl Haggard, Sleepytime Gorilla Museum, Bob Dylan

Most of my songs in comparison fail
But I’m still pretty heart broken
Cuz I’m at least as good as Jim Lauderdale
He doesn’t even have any tricky chords in his songs
And most of them are not even 4 minutes long

Been rackin’ my brain tryin’ to figure out how
It is possible I’m not super famous by now
Jim Lauderdale has taken my spot
Jim Lauderdale don’t got nothin’ I don’t got
Jim Lauderdale’s got some ‘splainin to do
Jim Lauderdale is keeping me away
From you

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