2025 Competition Entry:

Jenny by Laurence Hughes






Vocalist, steel guitar and songwriter: Laurence Hughes
Instrumentalist and recording engineer: Ben Walker


No, it is pure imagination. When writing a song, on many occassion I love telling an imaginary story. (Although, I do wish it happened sometimes)!


I occassionaly play live at folk clubs, but I can mainly be found in my room writing a song, and then heading for a studio to record it if time and money allows.


Jenny was a rainbow, as with its colours
Her mood would change like fire glow from a distant forest
That coal black hair with red tint, silver scarf around her neck
Those eyes that came from Rembrandt, red ribbon on her head
With Jenny there beside me, the world was always full of love

We went searching for adventure on every highway
Slept with lonesome strangers going our way
Broke any rule in our path if it stopped us moving on
Worked every bar and strip joint earning money for a song
With Jenny there to share it, Lord, I was bound to see no wrong

She stole a market fruit one day, got caught up by the law
We talked of love and poetry they took us for two fools
I cheated for an overcoat to keep her from the cold
With Jenny there to wear it, I had my soul to keep me warm

Passing through a sleepy town, a coast of Europe
We met a sailor silver mouthed who spoke of new worlds
We sang and drank the night away, then danced to greet the dawn
I woke to find her missing and a note upon the wall
Jenny had decided to seek another view of life

Now I’m walking every hard road, through every season
Living like the hobo, on words and reason
I met the ‘Ancient Merchant’ who had been and done it all
But as he told me tales of mystery, his words began to fall
I was gazing across the mountains, I thought I heard young Jenny call
Gazing across the mountains, I thought I heard young Jenny call

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