2025 Competition Entry:

I’m Going To Do It by Waterfall Dogs Soundtrack







Peter Green – Vocals and all instruments. Please note that characters are identified in the lyric sheet but for the sake of the rough demo I performed all the vocal parts. If this song makes an advance in your program I would seek to resubmit it with character-representative vocal talent.


An elf who works for Santa but yearns to see “the greater world”….a hearing-impaired great-grand-niece of a famous Dogsled Musher who wants to find a life path…a penguin named Beaker who emerges from one of Santa’s mailbags and needs to get home (everyone thinks Beaker is from Peru but he is, in fact, the feature penguin at the Aquarium at Niagara Falls) and the famed Waterfall Dogs – Remy (the Yowowa), Crypto (the world’s smartest dog and a pug-mix) and Willy (a pitbull mix who fears nothing but simply stares down adversaries with his ‘evil grin’). Put them together and this song is the opening montage that sets the stage for “The Wrong Pole”.


Peter Green is from Toronto, Canada, and now lives in Niagara Falls, NY. Here he met Brett Biro, a veteran, barbecue chef and owner of 5-Star Niagara Falls Tours & Events. Together the pair wrote the “Wrong Pole” feature screenplay, and two season’s worth of episodes about three dogs owned by Brett. The Waterfall Dogs.


1A. SONG (montage of characters)


11 months a year we work for this day
To wrap and strap and ribbon-tie the parcels to his sleigh
Of course, I’m talking Santa – I’m just a humble elf
My job involves me moving mail from the mailbox to the shelf

We’re just your average city dogs. We all three had a dream
That we would run upon the snow and be a dogsled team
When we learned the Iron Dog Race was taking place today
We convinced our favorite human to get us on our way

Those dogs are so compelling I couldn’t just say no
So, I agreed to do the deed and bring them to the snow
A dogsled race can’t be all that bad despite the cold and slush
The only thing I had to do is stand there and say “mush”

I want to travel somewhere and see the world beyond
Not just snow and winter trees and a frozen skating pond

I’ll discover who I am and who I’m meant to be
I want to go outside my door and make some memories

(Lexi and Kaitlyn together)
I’m going to do it!

So now we’re up here in the north just we three dogs alone
Searching for our human, some dog food and a bone
Practicing by pulling chairs across the kitchen floor
Except when Willy pulled his chair
right through our new side door
We’re going to do it!
We’re going to do it!

I’ll a place I’ve never been
I’ll see the sights I’ve never seen
We’ll find some bones and chew them clean
We’re going to do it

I’ll find my inner confidence
I’ll learn my path and take it hence
We won’t let Remy dig under the fence

I find out I went nowhere, then at least I’ll know I tried

If I can’t find who I’m meant to be I’ll feel secure inside

Even if we finish last, we’ll always have our pride

Because we did it!
Because we did it!
We tried and did it!
We did it!
We did it!
We did it!
We went and did it

Never say you never tried
No one learns unless they’ve cried
Stand your ground and be yourself
Don’t live life upon a shelf

Say you did it!
Say you did it!
You did it!

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