2025 Competition Entry:

For What it’s Worth II by PlaneJane








Jessica Hood – Songwriter, rhythm guitar, vocals
John King – Lead guitar
Michael Millard – bass
Colby Delaney – drums, vocals


It’s a conscious ride.



Gotta keep tryin’ gotta keep on movin’ x3
Gotta keep movin’ gotta keep believin’ x3

It ain’t so hard now, just can’t see what you’ve done.
Pull back from the steal-away, grasp how far you’ve come.
This way for me, your way for you, takes time to fly.
Get in on the plan for you. But will it be worth the fight?

Before she went in, he didn’t see what you saw, we didn’t see you.
The things we think we seen are the things we think we thought through.
She didn’t even think that, I thought he thought that, they told us that they knew.
Got let down, was not true.

And then we’ve got, assumptions, presumptions, junctions of judgement.
Projections, back up now, wreckin’ with abundance.
Pointing fingers, sticky fingers, back-pocket deal.
Shootin’ up and shootin’ down to show em’ how you feel.

Nuclear, nucleus, nucleolus, so much to criticize, I feel so small.
Templates to contort into, the stepsisters won’t fit that shoe.
World-wide, like a rising tide.
Can anyone breathe at all?

The self-doubt, I want out, no lookin’ back attitude.
You reach out, don’t touch me! He just was not in the mood.
She turns, he turns away, they’re still an imposition,
Maybe they should have dug deeper and found a new position.

What if, only if, should have been, maybe.
To be alone, the sacrifice, I’ll never forget the way he…
Should have learned now after all that he has been through,
But in the end, yes after-all, it’s between you, yourself and you.

This way for me, your way for you, takes time to fly.
Get in on the plan for you. It will it be worth the fight?

Gotta keep tryin’ gotta keep on movin’ – Gotta keep movin’ gotta keep believin’

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