I am a amateur singer songwriter cocooned in the shell of a 30 plus year serving Rail Worker with only himself to blame. My two first albums had a polished professional recorded feel to them ( Norman Barratt God rest his soul is responsible for 90% of anything good on those albums) Enough To Go Around from 2000 and Brown Lipstick from the following year contain some of my best songs which I still play now. Between 2020 – 2023 four albums followed Rough Soul , Scruffy Boots , and the equally criminally under streamed Beaten Towns & Mucky Bridge. In addition to these albums there was the Forces of Capital EP and the single the ballad of 2022 and in 2023 the 3 track single Ease the fear. February 2025 will see the release of the current album Bonds Broken & Made. Live I play solo as I have for all of my performances, as or where ever possible.
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