2025 Competition Entry:

An Adequate Man by Brittler







Me – Jeremy Taylor
Vocals & Guitar


When lockdown started during Covid19, it seemed that everyone was producing videos, podcasts, books & content about how to excel & be the best you can be!
I produced a short series of bass guitar tutorials on ‘How to be an Adequate Bass Player’ that would give viewers sufficient knowledge to turn up at an open mic (once they were allowed) & provide the e bass line for a simple 12 bar blues.
This led to a book outline of someone who goes through life, not quite achieving, but doing ok.
Which, in turn, led to this song!
As a man in late middle age who has done ok in life I think it is important to celebrate the adequate & mundane.


I’ve been playing bass guitar for decades & just now starting to do home recording.

My music choices are some originals (when inspiration strikes) & covers done in a way you might not expect.


An Adequate Man

I’m an adequate man
Doing the least I can
You won’t see me fly high
As I’m just getting by

I won’t beat my chest
Or try to be the best
I’m fairly well dressed
But I ain’t that stressed!

Faster, higher, stronger
It just ain’t me
Slower, lower, milder
Is me to a T

I’m an average man
Just earning a wage, man
I’m just a people pleaser
Not a high achiever

I’m not a maverick
More like a walking stick
I won’t buck a trend
But I am a good friend

Faster, higher, stronger
It just ain’t me
Slower, lower, milder
Is me to a T

I’m an accepting man
& I’m cool with your plan
I look for a simple way out
From what they’re talking about

What I can change I will
But I won’t push uphill
I don’t fight for a cause
Or break any laws

Faster, higher, stronger
It just ain’t me
Slower, lower, milder
Is me to a T

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