2025 Competition Entry:
Albuquerque Infamous by Rebekkah Dreskin
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I did it all, with the exception of guest performer, Albuquerque Hip Hop artist, Nick FuriouStylz, who raps and beat-boxes.
It’s interesting being a small fish in a small pond, constantly living like I’m in high school with the drama, judgement, cliques and rumors. I do my best not to spread them or cause it – but because I don’t back down and roll-over to the small-town expectations, I’m marked with the scarlet letter of infamy. If you can relate… Join me.
Rebekkah Dreskin is a singer, songwriter, and producer entrapped in Albuquerque, New Mexico, with 2 EPs and 5 full length albums, the 6th coming in late 2025. Her unique writing style, “smart-ass pop,” is thoughtful, energetic and catchy. It is fun and intense music with, infectious rhythms, and unforgettable melodies.
Albuquerque Infamous
5/2024 ~ R. Dreskin-Evans
Maybe I’m a pessimist. Maybe I’m a masochist.
I’m Albuquerque infamous, for sure.
‘Cause baby, I don’t compromise, when I’m being terrorized
by pathetic lies and bullshit alibis.
When I invited you in to play
You tried to steal my toys away. (no way)
What’s mine is mine – not yours to break.
When I said NO, you cried and ran away – tail between your legs.
Albuquerque infamous – I’m Albuquerque infamous
Make ‘em cry without even a kiss.
Join me in this infamy, this blasphemy –
That “type A” personality doesn’t have to be a curse.
Not when you’re in good company.
No apology necessary with us…
Albuquerque infamous. Albuquerque infamous.
Albuquerque infamous – why you messin’ with us? We’re doin’ this shit.
ABQ (Come on) INF – If you don’t like it, you can get the Heck out.
You don’t get to bulldoze me, just because you disagree.
Take your rebellion to someone else’s regime.
My rules my way. This dream I’ve made is mine –
And that’s how it’s going to stay.
I walked away, took all the blame.
It really pisses them off when you out-their-shame.
Albuquerque infamous – I’m Albuquerque infamous
‘cause your bad behavior I won’t just dismiss.
Join me in this infamy, this blasphemy –
That “type A” personality doesn’t have to be a curse.
Not when you’re in good company.
No apology necessary with us…
Take my hand and dance with me
to the tragic symphony of Hyper-mediocrity.
Their jealousy is exposed by the mis-placed animosity toward us.
Albuquerque infamous. Albuquerque infamous.
You don’t know me.
Stare but don’t see.
Look right through me, until I started screaming.
Take a breath and reflect. Let’s get into this.
Nickname: Nick Furious – take this music shit serious.
You said you was interested. Com close, get intimate.
Been labeled as a miscreant since return of Sisyphus.
A type A, rhyme-sayer, ego-driven lunatic,
But who’d have been better than me to crack a few them whips?
Holding fools accountable – they don’t follow through on shit –
That’s how I became Albuquerque Infamous.
Join me in this infamy, this blasphemy –
That “type A” personality doesn’t have to be a curse.
Not when you’re in good company.
No apology necessary with us…
Take my hand and dance with me
to the tragic symphony of hyper-mediocrity.
Their jealousy is exposed by the mis-placed animosity toward us.
Albuquerque infamous. Albuquerque infamous.
Ah yeah – You don’t know me. You don’t know me.
I’ve done a lot for you. Why can’t you see?
Can’t you be grateful please?
It gets lonely, being renowned
as a first-class bitch, in a second-class town.
Join me, on the outskirts of humanity.
Fuck keeping face in the face of absurdity.
I want to take steps movin’ forward
And you just stuck in the past.
Don’t be a leech, a sheep, a lemming.
Be too loud, too proud, too comprehending.
Escape the mindlessness. Embrace your willfulness.
Don’t be sorry – Be Albuquerque Infamous.
5/2024 ~ R. Dreskin-Evans
Maybe I’m a pessimist. Maybe I’m a masochist.
I’m Albuquerque infamous, for sure.
‘Cause baby, I don’t compromise, when I’m being terrorized
by pathetic lies and bullshit alibis.
When I invited you in to play
You tried to steal my toys away. (no way)
What’s mine is mine – not yours to break.
When I said NO, you cried and ran away – tail between your legs.
Albuquerque infamous – I’m Albuquerque infamous
Make ‘em cry without even a kiss.
Join me in this infamy, this blasphemy –
That “type A” personality doesn’t have to be a curse.
Not when you’re in good company.
No apology necessary with us…
Albuquerque infamous. Albuquerque infamous.
Albuquerque infamous – why you messin’ with us? We’re doin’ this shit.
ABQ (Come on) INF – If you don’t like it, you can get the Heck out.
You don’t get to bulldoze me, just because you disagree.
Take your rebellion to someone else’s regime.
My rules my way. This dream I’ve made is mine –
And that’s how it’s going to stay.
I walked away, took all the blame.
It really pisses them off when you out-their-shame.
Albuquerque infamous – I’m Albuquerque infamous
‘cause your bad behavior I won’t just dismiss.
Join me in this infamy, this blasphemy –
That “type A” personality doesn’t have to be a curse.
Not when you’re in good company.
No apology necessary with us…
Take my hand and dance with me
to the tragic symphony of Hyper-mediocrity.
Their jealousy is exposed by the mis-placed animosity toward us.
Albuquerque infamous. Albuquerque infamous.
You don’t know me.
Stare but don’t see.
Look right through me, until I started screaming.
Take a breath and reflect. Let’s get into this.
Nickname: Nick Furious – take this music shit serious.
You said you was interested. Com close, get intimate.
Been labeled as a miscreant since return of Sisyphus.
A type A, rhyme-sayer, ego-driven lunatic,
But who’d have been better than me to crack a few them whips?
Holding fools accountable – they don’t follow through on shit –
That’s how I became Albuquerque Infamous.
Join me in this infamy, this blasphemy –
That “type A” personality doesn’t have to be a curse.
Not when you’re in good company.
No apology necessary with us…
Take my hand and dance with me
to the tragic symphony of hyper-mediocrity.
Their jealousy is exposed by the mis-placed animosity toward us.
Albuquerque infamous. Albuquerque infamous.
Ah yeah – You don’t know me. You don’t know me.
I’ve done a lot for you. Why can’t you see?
Can’t you be grateful please?
It gets lonely, being renowned
as a first-class bitch, in a second-class town.
Join me, on the outskirts of humanity.
Fuck keeping face in the face of absurdity.
I want to take steps movin’ forward
And you just stuck in the past.
Don’t be a leech, a sheep, a lemming.
Be too loud, too proud, too comprehending.
Escape the mindlessness. Embrace your willfulness.
Don’t be sorry – Be Albuquerque Infamous.
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Love this!
That’s what I just luv about Music there’s always something, some style, some scene that’s happening somewhere that makes you sit up and listen this is one of them for me 🤔 this is so out of my comfort zone it’s un-real I luv the production, the attitude, the different ( for me anyway) style of lyrics the alternating between spoken and singing – I’m not qualified to give a judgement in comparison to others in this genre only to say I’ll be listening to her music with interest 👍