2025 Competition Entry:

Hunger by Michael Henchman






Michael – vocals, acoustic and electric guitars, drums, percussion
Dale Jones – upright bass
David Jacobs-Strain – acoustic slide guitar
Jeffrey Kock – electric guitar


After doing a promo photo shoot a few years ago with a photographer friend, out in a rural area, I happened to stop by a convenience store at nearly dusk for a quick snack. I immediately noticed an old Chevy convertible, a ’55 or ’56 model with a rumbling muffler which had pulled in, with a mid-30s couple in the front seat. The woman was driving. They looked disheveled and plainly appeared like they were living on the wild side… the man with a torn white t-shirt and bedhead, a cigarette hanging from the corner of his mouth, and the woman also with tousled hair, in a loosely fitting and very low-cut summer dress. I got the idea for the song in that moment and wrote part of the lyric that evening.


Hailing from the evergreen Pacific Northwest, Michael Henchman’s thoughtful, imagery-rich songwriting often draws inspiration from roads less traveled that have beckoned since childhood – living across the U.S., in Europe, and many years in central Alaska – to create a contemporary sound that is at once warm and reminiscent. His music has been described as “progressive folk, mixed with redwoods, diners, grassy plains, a generous dash of longing, and a bit of road dust for texture.” His life experiences instilled a deep reverence for wide cinematic landscapes – both real and metaphorical; of life’s side roads that often beckon, of how the heart becomes entangled by time and distance, of the tangible and the elusive, of journeys on the quest for connective meaning that we all share.

“It is in these quieter places that what is true and real becomes more apparent,” Michael says. “One can feel the unbroken connection to the pulse of life.”

Michael is preparing the release of his third collection of songs in January 2025 – “If The Sky Fell” – a mix of alternative and contemporary folk, roots, country, even a touch of jazz; full-band arrangements with spacious, textural stylings.

He began listening intently to music at an early age, falling under the music spell of an eclectic range of artists in folk, pop, jazz, funk, gospel, and the long-form orchestral compositions of prog-rock, eventually being influenced to write songs by the work of such insightful writers as Jackson Browne, John Gorka, David Wilcox, Shawn Colvin, Richard Shindell, Dave Carter, and the inimitable Jimmy Webb, one of his favorites.

As part of his travels, Michael headed to Alaska to work as a pipe laborer during the early days of the TransAlaska Pipeline construction. The project was, in many ways, like the Gold Rush era of 80 years prior… people wending their way north to work hard, chasing their dreams, sometimes losing it all. The wild was always just over one’s shoulder, waiting for both the hardy and the foolish to test their mettle and their luck. Michael was inspired by the continuity of how life hangs on in such an unusual place, and ended up living there for three decades… land of the midnight sun, moonscape winters, verdant summers, lofty mountains, aurora borealis, braided rivers, and other splendid wonders.

Over the years, Michael has performed in various folk, rock-n-roll and jazz bands – as bassist, vocalist, and guitarist – and he has also composed instrumental music for public television in Alaska. He continues to search for stories from the many places that people call home.


© Michael Henchman

Hot August night
Steamy blanket on this town
Dogs run by the river
Hear an old man shout
Top rolled back
Radio is playing
Watching you drive this car
Like you drive me crazy

Bouncing off the rails
Barely make the corner
Wheels throwing sparks
Gonna take us to the border
Runnin’ hot all night
Like a glowing cinder
Tearin’ through your life
In a run-on bender

Hunger only knows what it needs today
Haunting like spell, takes your breath away
Not a feeling in your belly
It’s something in your soul
Hunger’s always at the edge
Of everything you know

Eyes like burning coals
Black and smoky
Stickin’ to the shadows
Sly as a coyote
Sweat on your temples
Dress thrown on a chair
Skin like a prairie fire
Your hunger laid bare

Hunger only knows what it needs today
Haunting like spell, takes your breath away
Not a feeling in your belly
It’s something in your soul
Hunger’s always at the edge
Of everything you know

Can’t tame the wind
Can’t gather up the ocean
You can climb all the mountains
But you’ll never be broken
It’s been driving you further
Than you ever knew
Swear it’s just some bad days
But you know it’s true

Hunger only knows what it needs today
Haunting like spell, takes your breath away
Not a feeling in your belly
It’s something in your soul
Hunger’s always at the edge
Of everything you know

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